When you activate the Business Listing module people will be able to load their own businesses via your website. This information will not be added automatically and you will have to verify the new listings

Image 1 . This is where a member of the public will click to ad their listing

Image 2. THe person will then be required to enter his business information

Unfortunately people will sometimes abuse this by spamming you. Fortunately you will have the opportunity to verify a listing which has been added to your website before the information gets published.

Click on website content

Business Listing

The following will appear

In this example there is 7 listings which need to be verified. Click on verify a business added via your website

The following will appear

You can now choose to delete or to edit the entries. In this example the only listings were spam advertising. We need to ask Kwikwap to prevent this Spam by adding a capatcha or question so that you have to prove you are human. (More about this later).

If you select the delete option the following will appear

You will be asked if you are sure. Click ok if you are. The following will appear.

You will see a message saying that the listing has been removed. You will then again click on Verify a business which has been added via your website. See image above. The process will have to be repeated. See Image below. (The next screen which will appear)