Newsletter / Blog

News from Buddy Web Design and Kwikwap

In this September newsletter we cover:
  • Some examples of our latest websites done ,
  • Our new Online Training Program (OTP) ,
  • What is new at Kwikwap (The software we use) as well as
  • Work opportunity for people to do what we do.
You are subscribed to this monthly newsletter because of our recent interaction regarding a website for your business. You may choose to unsubscribe using the link at the bottom.
Here is some of the latest websites done by Buddy Web Design:
Rock Surf and Deep Magazine   (

We are very excited to have Rock Surf and Deep Magazine come on board as a client. They will make full use of the unlimited pages and various modules that can be activated at the click of a button. They have a lot of material for their website content and should do very well on the internet. Bets off all they do not need any special programming skills to manage their own website.

Brass Bell Restaurants and Pubs Kalk Bay  ( )

We are proud to be associated with this landmark in Kalk Bay. The website looks great which was made easy by having professional photographs taken of the outstanding establishment. A great compliment to us is that after having paid vast amounts of money to previous web designers they finally now have a functional website for R2,500! Their website displays neatly on mobile phones as well which is important for their business. 

Here comes the Bride (Wedding Dresses)  (
We can do the more prettier and curly websites as well. This website will have a complete online shop as well as a payment gateway once the domain has been transfered.

Villamariaeducare (Daycare Centre)  (


We love the happy colours on this website.

Our Online Training Program

We have designed an online training program to supplement our onsite training. For R2,500 you get a website plus training so that you ca manage the website yourself. You do not have to wait or pay for updates. Google results depends on your concentrated efforts in following our guidelines and adding the right amount of content in the right places on a regular basis. The online training program is designed to assist people when we do not have the opportunity for one on one on site training but even if you do get training we believe it will be a useful resource to refer to. We will expand on the OTP as requested by clients until it is complete enough.

What's new at Kwikwap

  • Pletora of small improvements implemented through the customer feedback system: We provide software as a service. (SAAS). A typical feature of this services is that customers can make suggestions at improving the software which are implemented and made available for all to benefit without having to pay extra for the improvements.
  • Alternate Pages - First it was additional pages and now it is alternate pages. The Kwikwap System really has improved over the last year that even larger companies will soon consider changing over to Kwikwap. Even though the continued new improvements and choices makes our software a little bit more complex you have the benefit of having a dedicated Kwikwap consultant (s) (two for the price of one) that can assist you in developing your website without hassle.
  • 90 New templates - While we can easily manipulate our templates trough CSS Stylesheets we are excited to announce that 90 new css stylesheet templates will be released this week. This saves us time in getting your desired look so we can concentrate on content building which gets you to page 1 of Google.
Work opportunity

We are also looking for people who would like to have their own web design business like Buddy Web Design. If you know someone who might be interested in building websites for a living please pass our details on to them. 
You will only receive one email per month from us. We prefer people unsubscribing if no longer interested in getting a website as this improves our chances of our newsletters not ending up in Spam Filters.