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Home based business opportunity - Kwikweb Websites

Looking for a home-based business opportunity? Kwikweb Websites offers such an opportunity.

Buddy Web Design has been selling Kwikwap Websites since 2007. Over the years much has changed. During the last few months South Africa, together with the rest of the world has seen the economic landscape drastically change with the Coronavirus shutting down countries and economies. As I write this blog entry it seems as if the Western Cape is seeing the number of new daily infections declining with the rest of South Africa getting closer to the peak. Our economy is battered and there is a lot of unhappiness about government corruption.

South Africans have to deal with a complete alcohol and tobacco ban, a virtual non-existent tourism sector. The domestic tourism sector is only now starting to open. One of our clients did however last week invest some money in professional photographs for their website. . We have never met this client in person. For the last few years, we have been selling websites all over South Africa without meeting our clients in person. A Kwikweb web design consultancy offers that exact opportunity. The Coronavirus has made online conferencing software household names with us choosing between Zoom or Google meet when discussing clients' websites/offering training.

This blog entry is in preparation for a two-hour training session for new Kwikweb Consultants this morning via Google meet. When starting a Kwikweb Consultancy business one has to find clients else there will be no business. We normally offer people wanting to join the Kwikweb business model unlimited training with no initial fees. Training however only starts when there is a potential client and thus potential money on the table. We share in the revenue of the first 3 to 4 clients the new consultants recruit. We assist in building the website and training the clients as needed. This morning's training session, however, is for people who have joined the Head Office directly as Kwikweb consultants.

The fact still remains that without clients, there will be no business. During the past four months, we did get new clients, people that went online for the first time because of the lockdown regulations, people who never really needed to market their business via a website or people who realised that they have to improve their current website in order to survive the pandemic. There will always be a market for a small to medium business website. even trough an economic meltdown as currently is prevalent in South Africa.

I enjoy blogging or writing. This can create the impression that what I am selling or offering is complex. The first thing to realise is that the product Kwikweb offers is very simple. Currently, on the home page of Kwikweb the following is stated:

Have you wasted enough time trying to create a website?
Be in control of your own website but also enjoy the personal assistance of friendly South Africans.

Whilst there is some definite opportunity to build websites for people in other countries at a fraction of the cost, most of our current clients are still South Africans. People can and do try to build their own websites using tools such as Wix but soon realise that their best efforts look amateurish. The average cost as stated on the main Kwikwap website is R2,500.

We charge between R2,500 and R4,400 when building Kwikwap Websites. This is extremely affordable compared to what other web designers using tools such as Wordpress is offering. Our web design services are first and foremostly affordable. For the past 13 years selling Kwikwap Websites, it has always been easy to state our web design prices at the outset as we know that our websites are affordable. We can also offer Wordpress websites at more or less double the price we would charge when using Kwikwap to build a website.

It is important to realise your value-added proposition when starting any new business. You need to know what will make you stand out from the rest. You yourself as a web designer and your clients need to know and understand what value they will be adding by their unique offering to the public. What is your business case? This is not only a solid business principle but it is also important that that value proposition stands out clearly on your home page and you're about us page of your website.

The first value offering is thus affordability.

Secondly, our web design offering comes with unlimited pages. Other companies charge per page. We teach people how to add more pages to their website themselves, especially the routine and or easy pages like your products and services.

Our software is extremely user friendly

Our clients receive ongoing support from a network of consultants and a head office. Kwikweb has been going for many years. Your website's future does not rely on the health of your web designer.

We have powerful industry-specific modules, all developed in-house which can be activated at the click of a button. We do not use 3rd party plugins which often come at an extra cost and with the risk of viruses. Examples include accommodation bookings module, estate agents module, auto dealer module.

We offer a quick turnaround time (between 24 and 48 hours).

We even offer a free demo website to try before you buy.

Our software also comes with value-added services such as QR Code generators, SMS and Bulk EMail system.

E-Commerce enabled, activated at the click of a button at no extra cost.

We also can assist with off-site SEO such as Google my business and Facebook Pages. We can offer complete marketing assistance.

While doing this blog I have come up with a 10 point value proposition. It is important that you fully understand what Kwikweb offers and sets Kwikweb apart from others so that you can sell confidently. If you are honest and work hard, ask for assistance from others in the Kwikweb network and try and help your clients you will see your clients being successful and referring their friends and family to you. When starting out any new business we suggest you approach your direct friends and family, even if you offer them discounted prices for you to build up confidence and to get to know the software.

In Golf there is a saying "Drive for show and put for dough". Golf is a complete game requiring not only brawn but also brains and finesse. With web design, everybody wants an attractive website but it is of little use if your website does not attract traffic via search engines. You need to understand SEO and so does your clients. Often your job as a Kwikweb consultant is to manage the expectations of your clients. You can not put 90% thought into the look of your website and only 10% into the content (On-Site SEO) or even worst forget to use free tools like Google my business. (Off-Site SEO). To be successful as a Kwikweb Consultant you need to invest a bit of time understanding the complete environment you are operating in. As long as you are actively marketing and seeking new clients we will guide you to become a professional offering a professional service to SMME's.

It is of no use being a clever nerd and then not being able to sell.

We believe in not doing harm to anybody but offering a cost-effective solution for small-medium businesses when it comes to having a web presence. There is no reason to not be confident in selling Kwikweb websites. Clients will always thank you later if they did their part e.g. provide you enough unique content.