Newsletter / Blog 2019-07-01 Current Web Content Considerations 1 July 2019 sees us passing the halfway mark of 2019 in a cold and wet Cape Town. Business in the tourism sector has just about come to a standstill with restaurants focusing on local trade. We have seen some restaurants in Betty’s Bay even closing for a couple of weeks. What can you do with your website when business is very slow, close to dead? Advertise specials and promotions Like many restaurants have specials during off season you can advertise specials and promotions on your website. With our economy in a downswing many more people are on the internet searching for a special on something. We believe that you should have a permanent special on your website with the aim to get covered for the keywords “special + your product and services”. While you can change your product on service on which the special is offered you should have a permanent special on your website just to cover the keyword special. (Our permanent web design special for not only Cape Town and surrounds but for South Africa is that you can get your second, third or fourth website at a greatly reduced price because less time is required to train someone on the CMS or on the topic of SEO.) Increase your marketing and advertising activities and or budget If everybody had enough business web would be out of the web design business. While getting more business is not the only reason to have and develop a website, getting more business is the number one reason why people get a website. But in a competitive world one has to consider more avenues than relying on your website and organic search results. These could include:
Consider your offer and changing needs of the market Have you been passing the same message to your clients over the years? Is your value proposition still what the market demands? While a depressed economy will cause more people to search for specials a part of the market will always rather be more concerned with quality rather than price. Not everybody sees life as you see it. Your perception of what people need and want will never cover the entire spectrum. Be open for new ideas and the input from others when it comes to your product offering and the way you word it. It follows that you may need to write a blog or two covering the new angle as well as tweak the headings and main description of some of your important pages. While we cannot control politics and macro economics we can control our own activities to face the changes in the micro and macro economic environment. Often the only solution to a lack of business is increased advertising and marketing activities. By using tools provided for free by Google such as Google search console you can measure your actual results and see where you need to change your website’s content to get more results. Our web design product offering includes an introduction to Google search console. While we appreciate the much needed rain we wish you a few sunfilled days for July 2019! |