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Web design that works

We are about to design a new website for a clothing manufacturer in Somerset West.

The clients existing website is outdated and does not portray the image that the client wish to portray but more importantly the website does not attract visitors to the clients website trough organic searches via search engines.

New Design

The design part of the website is easy. (Our in-house design specialist design between 70 and 100 new websites per month and charge only R700 per design.) . Current design trends are for cleaner websites where the focus is on providing website visitors with information as quickly as possible. People dislike strange noises or flashy presentations achieved by search engine unfriendly flash based designs. When the internet started and people where getting websites a lot of websites ended up looking and functioning more like a video game. Flash based websites are not generally found by search engines. The client will provide our designers with a logo and a few photographs for a home page slideshow. The clients can add or change the home page slideshow photographs as they get new photographs in future.

Improved SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation refers to the process of achieving the highest possible organic search presence via search engines on the internet. SEO can be divided between on-site SEO and off-site SEO. In the following we will discuss both off-site and on-site SEO recommendations:

On-Site SEO

Doing the basics right:

  • Choosing the correct page titles, the main description of the websites important pages.
  • Including the right words in the introductory paragraphs on the important pages, words the client would like to be found for e.g. clothing manufacturer based in Somerset West. (Yes it is these basics that people often get wrong.)
  • Choosing correct headings for the products and services pages
  • Having a proper description using the clients own and unique descriptions to describe these products and services.

Off-Site SEO

Doing the basics right:

  • Using Google’s free resources namely Webmaster Tools and Analytics.
  • Getting a my business page (free on Google Maps)
  • Having a Facebook page
  • Asking suppliers and clients with websites to link to their website

Investing the time / Doing advanced content development

The real ingredient for success with your website is to invest the initial time and then to continue investing time. Advanced areas where time will be invested include:

  • Having a comprehensive Faq section.

This will not only attract traffic to the website but will save the client time and money by answering frequently asked questions.

  • Adding a blog and regular blogging on website.
  • Photo gallery with descriptions


Photographs provide the ideal opportunity to add useful and relevant text to a website. While people entertain themselves with images on Social Media like Facebook and Instagram a photo gallery on a website provides the ideal opportunity for useful content creation. (While developing these sections one would automatically have the content needed for an entertaining, interactive Facebook page.