Newsletter / Blog 2011-02-01 Mobi Websites
You have a normal website, now get a Mobi
Our conversation
of today refers.
Thank you
for your time. Here is more information regarding Mobi Websites.
Our websites
are automatically displayed on three different platforms:
The normal
internet Traditional PC’s, Cell Phones (Even the older ones) as well as PDA’s
9Personal Digital Assistants like Black Berries and I Phones.
looking for you using their cell phones might not be able to read your website
properly. That is if your website is not mobile enabled.
A Mobi
Website is a website which can be browsed with a Cell Phone.
Google and
the mobile internet are fast replacing the yellow pages, especially in South
Our websites
do extremely well on the mobile internet.
An exciting
feature of our websites is the free sms system:
You may sms
individuals or groups from your mailing list and you may even include a hyperlink back to your mobile website!
You can have your customers browse newsletters and specials and promotions
using only their cell phones.
At R2,500
you can not afford to have your own Mobi Website.
You may
even like the fact that you manage the website 100% yourself so much that you
decide to replace your existing website with a website from us.
You can
decide not to activate the normal website with us. For example if you do not
want your own website having competition.
A mobi
website is designed to work and fit onto cell phones so you might want to
consider having your data in a slightly condensed format on the mobi website.
Included in
the R2,500 set up fee is training so you will be able to manage your website
Should you
be interested we will build you a free demo Mobi Website and come show you
exactly just how easy it is to manage the system.
Thank you for
your time.
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