Newsletter / Blog 2022-05-31 June 2022 Newsletter You are receiving this monthly newsletter because of our recent and past interaction regarding getting a website from us. Should you no longer wish to receive a newsletter then you may unsubscribe using the link below. Our first newsletter/blog entry was posted on this website 12 years ago. (On 8 June 2010.) That's quite amazing! Scrolling down past newsletters for the last 10 years we noticed that the recipe has remained the same and that our prices seem to have not increased that much over the years. Today sees once again a massive increase in the price of fuel. There seems to be a definitive correlation to an increase in online shopping when fuel prices rise the way it has. To enable online shopping with Kwikwap software requires a few clicks in your website's management portal. Most clients take 30 minutes of guidance before they are able to manage their website's content 100%. Because there is some coding and skilled graphics involved with our website builder the design bit is not taught to our clients like in the early days of our software. In order to get something in life, you have you give something in life. The topic of this month's newsletter/blog is how to invest between 1-3 hours per month, spending time on the content of your website, to improve organic search results as well as spending time getting other websites linking to your website (improving your page rank) and why you should consider advertising with Google to get more business. Improving the content of your website. Let's have a look at what a person can do once you have a website in order to get ahead, or stay ahead, of the competition. 1.) Write a monthly newsletter or blog to your mailing list. It's difficult to write a monthly blog on a boring topic such as web design and we simply do not have the creative juices every month to do so but it seems this month we do. We have decided to spend at least 3 hours per month on our own website ( on-site SEO) as well as on other resources like our Google maps / Google business page (off-site SEO) or getting other websites to link to our website. We use Kwikwap software to send out our monthly newsletter. Our forms and surveys module allows to automatically send an email to a prospective client, as well as ad them to our monthly mailing list. 2.) Get more testimonials or Google my business reviews It should be a habit to ask new and existing clients ( Hopefully happy clients) for a review. We ask our clients to give us a positive review on our Google my business page. (Google my business is free and easy but very important when you are hoping to be found by local clients.). These days Google my business says we have been been in business for 10+ years, a strong value proposition. See our Google my business FAQ section on how to ask for more reviews. 3.) Develop your FAQ section on your website In the normal course of business, people will ask you questions via email. Instead of only replying via email also include those questions and answers in the FAQ section of your website. It should become a habit. Time spent on writing unique quality fresh content on your websites like a newsletter or a blog increases the chance of more pages on your website being included in Google's index. This time spent is an investment in the advertising and marketing of your business. It's difficult to quantify but probably the single biggest reason people approach us for a website. 4.) Update your portfolio page / write a blog on your current and recent projects It should become a habit (and with your smartphone or camera it is easy) to take photographs of your current and recent work. You can include that on the portfolio section of your website/past projects page. This same information can also be useful to share on your Facebook or Instagram pages. 5.) Upload gallery pics - WITH DESCRIPTION With description is written in capital letters because it is important in order to improve search results that words are added. Adding a few pictures every month with a short story of each photograph can be a useful tool to improve your website's performance. Above 5 points are ways to improve the content on your website. If the content of your website is of a good standard your website may receive backlinks from other websites referencing your website. That will improve the page rank of your website. Other important monthly things to do with regards to your website 1.) Run a monthly SEO check There are free online SEP checkers on the internet which take a look at a few key metrics. The most important metric is your page headings. 2.) Revisit the most important basic website text Consider your website's basic business info (Page headings), the introductory paragraphs of your website's important pages, and the headings on your website. 3.) Use Google search console and Google Analytics These tools provide insights into your website's actual results and are free resources provided by Google. They are not difficult to learn. Good Adwords / Facebook Advertising Working on your website's content, and getting back-links takes time and effort. We are using tools provided by Google and Facebook, billion-dollar companies. These companies designed a system that can give you free exposure but their main offering is that of advertising. If you consider that your time is also a valuable commodity (time is money) then you will realise that perhaps the answer lies in going straight toward Google or Facebook Advertising. We can assist with both. This website's newsletter describes what we do when we do a Kwikwap Website SEO audit for a client. It's a process that requires time. Kwikwap website owners can do these things themselves or schedule a monthly or six-monthly-hour meeting for a website checkup with us. We hope everybody has a great month of June and survives the general inflation increases that will follow the fuel price hike. Francois 074 547 0221 Melanie 081 828 3402