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How Google Search Works

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Google is by far the most used search engine. People use search engines to find information.

Search engines like Google indexes websites from accross the globe and act's as a modern day librarian giving it's users the information they are looking for.

Personally I do not scroll beyond page 2 when looking for information. The more often your website is found by search engines the more visitors to your website you are likely to get and the more business you will get.

We find time and again that people make the following mistakes:

1.) By not having a website at all

2.) By focussing solely on the look and feel of the website and not considering actual content

3.) By poorly describing their products and services, not having a developed faq section , not describing their photo albums and photo galleries.

Below videos from Google explains some of these basic mistakes as well as How Google search works.

Your email program will probably filter these videos so we provide the links to view these videos on Youtube.

How Search Works

What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?

Study these videos and you will see how important it is to:

1.) Have a website

2.) Have a specialist website as opposed to a jack of all trades website

3.) Focus on good quality content

4.) Consider Titles carefully eg names of products and services