Newsletter / Blog 2011-04-13 Forget about getting a website, become an internet marketer! You have the opportunity to become an internet marketer with your Kwikwap Website and not just the owner of a static electronic brochure. The way to measure the success of your website is firstly the number of the right visitors you get to your website, but most importantly the amount of business you get trough your website. You can accurately measure this trough your Kwikwap website and trough making use of Google analytics. We give you a tool to measure the end result against set targets.
The slogan of Buddy Web Design is "All the way " and it refers to the process of turning our customers into successful internet marketers. When you get a website from us you will be getting a business tool. If you have not yet had a free on site demo then please call Melanie on 0768470492 (Western Cape) or Francois 0763490772 (Gauteng) . This short monthly newsletter is to remind you of our services. If you no longer require a website from us then please use the unsubscribe function found at the bottom of this email. (The bigger our mailing list the bigger the chances of our emails being caught in Spam filters.) |