Newsletter / Blog

Advertise accommodation outside Kruger

If you consider advertising your accommodation establishment outside the Kruger National Park, an Afrikaans website focussed on accommodation inside, as well as outside the Kruger National Park. January is a good time to consider allocating your marketing budget for 2016 and we hope you can allocate a small amount to . is doing well for searches on Google such as:

Krugerwildtuin verblyf (Krugerpark accommodation)
Krugerwildtuin besprekings (Krugerpark bookings)
Verblyf buite Krugerwildtuin (Accommodation outside Krugerpark)

There are many more such examples.

You can test these results yourself.

Our Facebook page is also growing with more people liking our page daily. (

We took a small break from our blogging and Social Media Activities during December but now that the holidays are a distant memory we will continue developing the website to attract even more website traffic.

2016 Advertising / Commission options

The advertising rate for 2016 remains R890 per annum.

Should you rather consider paying commission for bookings (whether you are an advertiser or not) we charge 15% of the total booking fee. Our advertisers get their direct contact details and direct links to their websites and / or booking forms published on their mini Afrikaans website. This in itself boosts our advertisers website rankings.

We get approached on a daily basis by people looking to book inside as well as outside Kruger. Often during peak times there needs to be a mix of staying inside Kruger as well as outside Kruger and we assist our website visitors in planning and booking their holidays in the greater Kruger National Park area.

Afrikaans translations

We do the translations from the existing English websites and most translations are included in the advertising rate. We will quote when the translations are more than your standard translation.

French website on Kruger

During February 2016 we will start with our French website on Kruger, developed on the same basis as our Afrikaans website on Kruger. 1 April 2016 should see this website ready for taking on new advertisers. The website will target French speaking people and be backed by agents in France. We will include a link to the domain in following newsletters as soon as we are ready tor share our new venture.

If you are ready to advertise on or willing to pay 15 % commission then please reply via email.