Websites done during March and April

Coming soon...

Websites done during February 2015

Here is some of our recent websites. Quite often our web design clients are in the process of finalising their website text and we still have to go back for follow up training. The idea of viewing our latest work is to understand what type of design work we do and what type of client we service. We will discuss some of the opportunities we see for our latest clients to do well on search results.

Red House Painters is a small painting and renovation company in the seaside town of Betty's Bay in the Overberg. Our client needs to finish their website text, even before being taught how the CMS Software works. Wit this client we will do some of the information in Afrikaans as well. People do search for businesses in Afrikaans and being a little creative/ unique will ensure even more website traffic. The competition on the internet by similar businesses is not too heavy and this client should soon get work from the Internet.

Skills on wheels is a small driving school based in Rondebosch in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. You will note on the home page there is an image with text on the image. We took the longer route to ensure that this text is readable by search engines. We are also still waiting for this client to supply us with the final website text with special instructions to do the services pages well. If you want to be found for Driving Lessons you better include those words , make sure they are the heading of a page in your website and then describe in your own words, better than your competition what your service entails.

Other February websites (In progress)

We have a few websites where we are waiting for the business owners to find the time to complete the website copy. Small medium business owners often find it hard to find the time to do proper website copy. We always try and do the basics well first before moving on. - Welcome Glen, Based irrigation and lanscaping company - Pretoria based legal company - Glen Cairn based Company manufacturing promotional items - Hardware Store based in Glen Cairn - Interior decorators with shops in Fish Hoek and Steenberg