In this example a client of ours did not like the layout of the products and services pages and wanted something else.
We started with creating a Kwikwap Custom Page (after activating Custom Pages in the Additional Modules Section). You have 15 custom pages available.
See Image below
We then gave the custom page a title (same as what would appear on website as a link) .
We then selected the radio button called Add text and the Content Editor popped open
We then selected the Icon for insert table . Please note that when you hover over an icon that the name of the icon pops up as a screen tip. See image below for table icon
After clicking on the table Icon a pop up box will appear. See Image below. You can now select how many columns and rows you would like, cell spacing and padding and select a border size. Tip: Play around with the various options to understand what they do. Tip: When you select the border size to be zero you will have the benefit of neat alignment without actualy having a visible table.
You can allways right click on the table to edit the table properties or to merge cells, add or delete rows and columns, similar to drawing a table and working with it in MS Word. See Image below which should be visible when right clicking on a Table.
We are now for the purpose of the exercise going to insert images into the Table. We often use Tables for the neat alignment of multiple images on a page. Click on Image Icon. See image below.
A popup will appear which will allow you to browse the server for images allready uploadedpreviously on your website or allows you to upload a new image. See image below.
Now click on the icon which says choose file and browse for an image on your PC. See image below.
The image below shows where on my PC I found the images i want to upload. Select an image.
Now you need to send the image to the server. See the image below.
A preview of the image will now appear if uplaoded correctly. You can adjust the size of the image before inserting it. See image below.
You must now repeat the previous process to upload more images into the tables after clicking with your cursor in the cells where you want to insert an image. See image below.
You can right click on an image or the table at any time to edit the properties of either the image or table. Sizes , padding and spacing etc. See image below. Rightclick on an image inside the Table and you should see the same.
You will have to add the custom page and then publish the website in order to view your new custom page.
You can also do some advanced work with Tables like displayed in the Image below. This however is an advanced option an if you are unfamiliar with HTML or CSS then rather ask your Kwikwap Consultant or techical@kwikwap for assistance with advance options. See image below where I inserted a blue background by typing " background:#0000ff; " You will need to know HTML Colour Codes. Google it.
For a more detailed discussion please visit the CK Editor Guide - Tables