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Agenda - Kwikwap Training Pretoria

Francois Marais will be presenting the Kwikwap Training in Pretoria on the 27th of April 2013. Below you will find the agenda / outline of the training session as well as additional info, links to other websites with more information (further recommended reading) .

Just on the subject of Google and Improving Google Results there exisist a pletora of information on the web, none better than information from Google itself. We hope you find the links and the recommended further reading usefull.

We will be focusing on Kwikwap Websites during the training session and will not have time to discuss subjects like Google Webmaster, Google Analytics, Google Trends etc in depth. (See details about upcoming SEO and Internet Marketing Course by Industry expert)

The idea of the training session is for it to be introductory of nature, yet comprehensive, with a questions and answer session so that nobody leaves without gaining value from the training session.

At the end of the training session we will decide on further action for each individual so that Kwikwap is mastered.

Training session outline:

Introduction: (09:00 - 10:30)

  • How search engines like Google works

  • How you can measure and analyze the success of your website

(Admin and Reports / Search Terms and Country Hits)

How you can Improve Google results

Buddy Web Design  Newsletter : How to Improve Google Results

Having a call to action on your web pages

Guides / Client Charter / Online Manual / Your Kwikwap Consultant

Kwikwap E Learning

Main Divisions of Kwikwap Website (Online Tutorial)

  • Examples of "good /effective" Kwikwap Websites vs "bad / ineffective'' Kwikwap Websites

Good / effective Kwikwap Websites

People attending Training's websites

Importance of the basics (About us , Products and Services Title, Products and Services Description, Frequently asked questions)

How to update these basic sections

Break (10:30 - 11:45)

The content editor:

Uploading text and images
Creating and using tables
Copying and pasting from MS Word / Websites

Look and feel:

Selecting Templates
Replacing Images
Animated Banner / Template Specific Logo
CSS Stylesheets (Basic introduction)

Questions and answers session:

Participants will have opportunity to ask any question on specific technical issues they have difficulty dealing with.

How to resize an image using Photoscape:

Compressing pictures for websites using Microsoft Office Picture Manager

Course of action for individuals needing further training decided upon.

Break (11:45)

Kwikwap Business Opportunity (12- 00 : 13:00)

People interested in becoming Kwikwap Consultants or current Kwikwap Consultants wanting to know more about sales and developing your Kwikwap Business.